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Anthony Seldon. The Foreign Office. An Illustrated History of the Place and Its People HarperCollinsIllustrated 2000г. 240 с. Палiтурка / переплет: Твердый, Енциклопедичний формат.
(Продавец: BS - AllaLv, Львов.) Цена: 75 грн. Купить
The book takes us inside the Foreign Secretarys London home, 1 Carlton Gardens, and his country retreats, Dorneywood and Chevening. We hear tales of the life of ambassadors abroad, where the glittering parties and glamorous living quarters of an ambassador to Paris contrast with the accommodation that might be on offer to an ambassador and his entourage in Berlin or Moscow, and we look at the fascinating clandestine methods by which the Foreign Office communicated with its far-flung empire and embassies abroad. The story of the building is also the story of the struggle between two great architects - George Gilbert Scott, the architect of the Foreign Office itself, and Matthew Digby Wyatt, the architect of the India Office section of the building. Their contrasting styles still define the building today, and are revealed in Kim Sayers contemporary photographs of the lavish and ornate rooms of the Locarno Suite, the magnificent Grand Staircase with its extraordinary murals, the Foreign Secretarys Room and the beautiful India Office buildings. Along with a wealth of material from the Foreign Office archives, much previously unseen, they combine to make this book both a celebration of the building and its work today and a testament to a time when the Foreign Office was the nerve centre of the worlds greatest power.
Cостояние: добрий/дуже добрий

Anthony T. Padovano Dawn Without Darkness.: : A Trilogy on the Spiritual Life, Including Belief in Human Life and Free to Be Faithful. US Image Books 1982г. 92 с., фото Палiтурка / переплет: Твердый картонный, Энциклопедический формат.
(Продавец: BS - Book-Vam, Харків.) Цена: 170 грн. Купить
Это объясняет Энтони Падавано в своей книге «Рассвет без тьмы». «Быть ??дома в Церкви означает, что нужно чувствовать себя так же, как чувствует себя человек, когда он чувствует себя как дома со своей семьей. Не следует оставаться с семьей, если его не слышат или не слушают, или если он привлекает внимание только тогда, когда он прилагает огромные усилия или, если его любят, только когда он соглашается с семьей. Такой человек рано или поздно покидает свою семью, либо фактически уходит, либо физически остается, но не оставляет сердца для этого «дома», в котором он живет » .
Cостояние: Состояние хорошее - очень хорошее. Тираж 1 500 000
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Bertram G.Katzung, Susan B.Masters, Anthony J.Trevor Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. International Edition, 12th Edition Elsevier 1230c. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, очень большой формат.
(Продавец: BS - Book-Vam, Харків.) Цена: 300 грн. Купить
Клінічна фармакологія` буде корисна студентам-медикам, молодим лікарям та людям, що мають відношення до медикаментозної терапії на основі доказів. Ретельне знання фармакологічних та терапевтичних принципів є життєво важливим для безпечного та ефективного використання препаратів для пацієнтів. Перші три розділи висвітлюють загальні принципи клінічної фармакології, п’ять наступних розділів - медикаментозне лікування хвороби, організоване системою організму. Підручник зберігає доступний стиль, встановлений оригінальним автором, професором Лоренсом.
Cостояние: Хорошее.
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David Held., Anthony G. McGrew., David Goldblatt., Jonathan Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics Economics, and Culture. На английском языке. Stanford Stanford University Press. 20??г. 515с., ил., таблицы. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, ламинированный, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Vingrad, Киев.) Цена: 220 грн. Купить
In this book, the authors set forth a new model of globalization that lays claims to supersede existing models, and then use this model to assess the way the processes of globalization have operated in different historic periods in respect to political organization, military globalization, trade, finance, corporate productivity, migration, culture, and the environment. Each of these topics is covered in a chapter which contrasts the contemporary nature of globalization with that of earlier epochs. In mapping the shape and political consequences of globalization, the authors concentrate on six states in advanced capitalist societies (SIACS): the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Japan. For comparative purposes, other states—particularly those with developing economics—are referred to and discussed where relevant. The book concludes by systematically describing and assessing contemporary globalization, and appraising the implications of globalization for the sovereignty and autonomy of SIACS. It also confronts directly the political fatalism that surrounds much discussion of globalization with a normative agenda that elaborates the possibilities for democratizing and civilizing the unfolding global transformation.
Cостояние: Очень хорошее - почти очень хорошее. По фото.

David Held., Anthony G. McGrew., David Goldblatt., Jonathan Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics Economics, and Culture. На английском языке. Stanford Stanford University Press. 20??г. 515с., ил., таблицы. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, ламинированный, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Vingrad, Киев.) Цена: 220 грн. Купить
In this book, the authors set forth a new model of globalization that lays claims to supersede existing models, and then use this model to assess the way the processes of globalization have operated in different historic periods in respect to political organization, military globalization, trade, finance, corporate productivity, migration, culture, and the environment. Each of these topics is covered in a chapter which contrasts the contemporary nature of globalization with that of earlier epochs. In mapping the shape and political consequences of globalization, the authors concentrate on six states in advanced capitalist societies (SIACS): the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Japan. For comparative purposes, other states—particularly those with developing economics—are referred to and discussed where relevant. The book concludes by systematically describing and assessing contemporary globalization, and appraising the implications of globalization for the sovereignty and autonomy of SIACS. It also confronts directly the political fatalism that surrounds much discussion of globalization with a normative agenda that elaborates the possibilities for democratizing and civilizing the unfolding global transformation.
Cостояние: Очень хорошее - почти очень хорошее. По фото.

David Held., Anthony G. McGrew., David Goldblatt., Jonathan Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics Economics, and Culture. На английском языке. Stanford Stanford University Press. 20??г. 515с., ил., таблицы. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, ламинированный, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Vingrad, Киев.) Цена: 220 грн. Купить
In this book, the authors set forth a new model of globalization that lays claims to supersede existing models, and then use this model to assess the way the processes of globalization have operated in different historic periods in respect to political organization, military globalization, trade, finance, corporate productivity, migration, culture, and the environment. Each of these topics is covered in a chapter which contrasts the contemporary nature of globalization with that of earlier epochs. In mapping the shape and political consequences of globalization, the authors concentrate on six states in advanced capitalist societies (SIACS): the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Japan. For comparative purposes, other states—particularly those with developing economics—are referred to and discussed where relevant. The book concludes by systematically describing and assessing contemporary globalization, and appraising the implications of globalization for the sovereignty and autonomy of SIACS. It also confronts directly the political fatalism that surrounds much discussion of globalization with a normative agenda that elaborates the possibilities for democratizing and civilizing the unfolding global transformation.
Cостояние: Очень хорошее - почти очень хорошее. По фото.

Ryce Anthony. Accounts Demystified. London Person Education 2003г. 298с. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, Увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Darnica, Киев.) Цена: 250 грн. Купить
[При одновременном заказе 3-х книг, самая дешевая - в подарок] The bestselling and astonishingly simple guide to the fundamental principles of accounting, written specifically for those without a financial background. Simple, easily absorbed and clearly explained, this book will guide you through all the major accounting concepts. You will learn how to master company accounts, understand balance sheets, profit and loss accounts and cash flow systems and how to analyse and monitor your companys financial performance.
Cостояние: Отличное

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