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Crossley-Holland Kevin. The Penguin book of norse myths / Gods of the vikings. На английском языке. London: Penguin Books. 2011г. 320с. Палiтурка / переплет: мягкий, обычный формат. ISBN 978-0-241-95321-1
(Продавец: BS - infolio, Запорожье.) Цена: 495 грн. Купить
«Burning ice, biting flame, that is how life began». The extraordinary Scandinavian myth cycle is one of the most enduring, exciting, dramatic and compelling of the world`s great stories. A series of intertwined tales which together form a strange and fntastical world teeming with gods and goddesses, heroes and monsters, battles and couplings, the Norse myths are as exciting to read as they are of vast cultural and historical importance. Taking us from the creation of the world through the building of Asgard`s wall to the final end in Ragnarok, and featuring the exploits and adventures of such mythical figures as Odin, Thor and Loki, «The Penguin book of norse myths» brings alive the passion, cruelty and heroism of these unforgettable stories. Contents: Introduction (The norse world. Cosmology. The pantheon. Sources. The literary structure of the myths. Approach). The creation. The war of the aesir and vanir. The building of Asgard`s wall. Lord of the gallows. The song of Rig. The mead of poetry. Loki`s children and the binding of Fenrir. The theft of Idun`s apples. The marriage of Njord and Skadi. The treasures of the gods. Skirnir`s journey. The lay of Grimnir. The necklace of the Brisings. The lay of Thrym. The lay of Vafthrudnir. Thor`s journey to Utgard. The lay of Hymir. Hyndla`s poem. Thor`s duel with Hrungnir. Odin and Billing`s daughter. Gylfi and Gefion. The lay of Harbard. The ballad of Svipdag. Thor and Geirrod. The lay of Loddfafnir. Otter`s ransom. The lay of Alvis. Balder`s dreams. The death of Balder. Loki`s flyting. The binding of Loki. Ragnarok. Notes. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
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