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David Held., Anthony G. McGrew., David Goldblatt., Jonathan Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics Economics, and Culture. На английском языке. Stanford Stanford University Press. 20??г. 515с., ил., таблицы. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, ламинированный, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Vingrad, Киев.) Цена: 220 грн. Купить
In this book, the authors set forth a new model of globalization that lays claims to supersede existing models, and then use this model to assess the way the processes of globalization have operated in different historic periods in respect to political organization, military globalization, trade, finance, corporate productivity, migration, culture, and the environment. Each of these topics is covered in a chapter which contrasts the contemporary nature of globalization with that of earlier epochs. In mapping the shape and political consequences of globalization, the authors concentrate on six states in advanced capitalist societies (SIACS): the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Japan. For comparative purposes, other states—particularly those with developing economics—are referred to and discussed where relevant. The book concludes by systematically describing and assessing contemporary globalization, and appraising the implications of globalization for the sovereignty and autonomy of SIACS. It also confronts directly the political fatalism that surrounds much discussion of globalization with a normative agenda that elaborates the possibilities for democratizing and civilizing the unfolding global transformation.
Cостояние: Очень хорошее - почти очень хорошее. По фото.

David Held., Anthony G. McGrew., David Goldblatt., Jonathan Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics Economics, and Culture. На английском языке. Stanford Stanford University Press. 20??г. 515с., ил., таблицы. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, ламинированный, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Vingrad, Киев.) Цена: 220 грн. Купить
In this book, the authors set forth a new model of globalization that lays claims to supersede existing models, and then use this model to assess the way the processes of globalization have operated in different historic periods in respect to political organization, military globalization, trade, finance, corporate productivity, migration, culture, and the environment. Each of these topics is covered in a chapter which contrasts the contemporary nature of globalization with that of earlier epochs. In mapping the shape and political consequences of globalization, the authors concentrate on six states in advanced capitalist societies (SIACS): the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Japan. For comparative purposes, other states—particularly those with developing economics—are referred to and discussed where relevant. The book concludes by systematically describing and assessing contemporary globalization, and appraising the implications of globalization for the sovereignty and autonomy of SIACS. It also confronts directly the political fatalism that surrounds much discussion of globalization with a normative agenda that elaborates the possibilities for democratizing and civilizing the unfolding global transformation.
Cостояние: Очень хорошее - почти очень хорошее. По фото.

David Held., Anthony G. McGrew., David Goldblatt., Jonathan Perraton. Global Transformations: Politics Economics, and Culture. На английском языке. Stanford Stanford University Press. 20??г. 515с., ил., таблицы. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, ламинированный, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Vingrad, Киев.) Цена: 220 грн. Купить
In this book, the authors set forth a new model of globalization that lays claims to supersede existing models, and then use this model to assess the way the processes of globalization have operated in different historic periods in respect to political organization, military globalization, trade, finance, corporate productivity, migration, culture, and the environment. Each of these topics is covered in a chapter which contrasts the contemporary nature of globalization with that of earlier epochs. In mapping the shape and political consequences of globalization, the authors concentrate on six states in advanced capitalist societies (SIACS): the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Germany, and Japan. For comparative purposes, other states—particularly those with developing economics—are referred to and discussed where relevant. The book concludes by systematically describing and assessing contemporary globalization, and appraising the implications of globalization for the sovereignty and autonomy of SIACS. It also confronts directly the political fatalism that surrounds much discussion of globalization with a normative agenda that elaborates the possibilities for democratizing and civilizing the unfolding global transformation.
Cостояние: Очень хорошее - почти очень хорошее. По фото.

Jonathan Swift. Свифт Д. Les Voyages de Gulliver. Путешествия Гулливера. Издание на французском языке. Paris Presses de la Renaissance 1971г. 162 c., илл. суперобложка, твердый, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - Barvinok, Одесса.) Цена: 243 грн. Купить
В настоящее издание включены два произведения: `Путешествие в Лилипутию` и `Путешествие в Бробдингнег (Страну Великанов)`, об удивительных приключениях корабельного врача Гулливера.
Cостояние: суперобложка с надрывами удовлетворительное, книга хорошее

Jonathan Swift. Свифт Д. Les Voyages de Gulliver. Путешествия Гулливера. Издание на французском языке. Paris Presses de la Renaissance 1971г. 162 c., илл. суперобложка, твердый,, чуть увеличенный (почти квадратный). формат.
(Продавец: BS - Gepard, Харьков.) Цена: 260 грн. Купить
В настоящее издание включены два произведения: `Путешествие в Лилипутию` и `Путешествие в Бробдингнег (Страну Великанов)`, об удивительных приключениях корабельного врача Гулливера.
Cостояние: книга отл., супер оч.хор.

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