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Riordan Rick. Percy Jackson and the lightning thief. Percy Jackson and the sea of monsters. Percy Jackson and the titan`s curse. На английском языке. London: Puffin Books. 2009г. 384+288+304с. Палiтурка / переплет: мягкий, в картонном боксе, обычный формат. ISBN 978-0-141-31913-1, 978-0-141-31914-8, 978-0-141-32126-4
(Продавец: BS - infolio, Запорожье.) Цена: 735 грн. Купить
Цена за комплект из 3-х книг. Продается комплектом. Book 1: Look, I didn`t want to be a half-blood. I never asked to be the son of a Greek god. I was just a normal kid, going to school, playing basketball, skateboarding. The usual. Until I accidentally vaporized my maths teacher. That`s when things really started going wrong. Now I spend my time fighting with swords, battling monsters with my friends and generally trying to stay alive. This is the one where Zeus, god of the sky, thinks I`ve stolen his lightning bolt - and making Zeus angry is a very bad idea. Can Percy find the lightning bolt before a fully fledged war of the gods erupts? Book 2: You can`t tell by looking at me that my dad is Poseidon, god of the sea. It`s not easy being a half-blood these days. You mortals can`t even see the monsters we have to fight all the time. So when a game of dodgeball turned into a death match against an ugly gang of cannibal giants, I couldn`t exactly ask my gym teacher for help. And that was just for starters. This is the one where camp half-blood is under attack, and unless I get my hands on the golden fleece, the whole camp will be invaded by monsters. Big ones. Can Percy survive the treacherous sea of monsters and restore order to half-blood hill? Book 3: It`s not every day you find yourself in hand-to-claw combat with a half-lion, half-human. But when you`re the son of a Greek god, these things happen. All I was trying to do was bring two new demigods back to camp. But the arrival of the manticore changed everything. Now my friend Annabeth is missing, a goddess is in chains and the general of the Titans wants to unleash a tribe of skeleton warriors on the world. This is the one where only five of us heroes can join the dangerous quest to defeat the doomsday monster - and our camp`s Oracle has predicted that not all of the chosen five will survive... Can Percy save Annabeth - and the rest of the world - before the curse destroys him forever? These books are of the «Percy Jackson Collection» boxed set (ISBN 978-0-140-95817-1).
Cостояние: очень хорошее

Riordan Rick. The Son of Neptune (Heroes of Olympus Book 2). На английском языке. 2011г. 521 с. Палiтурка / переплет: Супер. Тверый, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - ЛЬВІВ, Львів.) Цена: 200 грн. Купить
Percy is confused. When he awoke from his long sleep, he didnt know much more than his name. His brain fuzz is lingering, even after the wolf Lupa told him he is a demigod and trained him to fight with the pen/sword in his pocket. Somehow Percy manages to make it to a camp for half-bloods, despite the fact that he has to keep killing monsters along the way. But the camp doesnt ring any bells with him. The only thing he can recall from his past is another name. Вес книги 820 гр.
Cостояние: отличное-очень хорошее
Смотрите: Переплет-суперТитул

Riordan Rick/Риордан Рик. Die Kane-Chroniken. Band 2: Der feuerthron./ Наследники богов. Книга 2. Огненный трон. На немецком языке. Carlsen 2013г. 528 c. Палiтурка / переплет: Твердый, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - ЛЬВІВ, Львів.) Цена: 100 грн. Купить
Вес книги 805 гр.
Cостояние: очень хорошее, переплет `заправлен` в прозрачную пленку
Смотрите: Переплет

Riordan Rick/Риордан Рик. Die Kane-Chroniken. Band 3: Der Schatten der Schlange./ Наследники Богов. Книга 3. Тень змея. На немецком языке. Carlsen 2014г. 464 c. Палiтурка / переплет: Твердый, увеличенный формат.
(Продавец: BS - ЛЬВІВ, Львів.) Цена: 100 грн. Купить
Вес книги 715 гр.
Cостояние: очень хорошее, переплет `заправлен` в прозрачную пленку
Смотрите: Переплет

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